There are many types of ring devices that can be used to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Anxiety rings have many different names, including spinner rings, anxiety fidget rings, and some also include magnetic rings.
The rings we offer are good for adults and children. For kids, we have a selection of brighter colours. For adults, we sell silver and gold rings in a variety of sizes and styles.
How do you use a anxiety / fidget ring and what is its purpose?
An anxiety ring is a ring that can be used as a sensory tool or a fidget toy. They are designed to help reduce stress and anxiety, increase concentration, and facilitate creativity. Anxiety / fidget ring can be used to rotate the ring around the finger, tap the ring on a table, rub the ring on the palm of the hand, or take the ring off and put it back on. Some also feature buttons to press.
They provide a physical outlet for nervous energy, which can be used to keep hands busy or simply provide a focal point for the mind to focus on. They have been shown to help with the symptoms of ADHD, autism, and anxiety.