We know some of our community are really struggling with the COVID-19 lockdown, some aren’t seeing much of a change from their normal lives and some are enjoying the more slowed down pace of life.
It is very strange times we are living in, with an increase in peoples anxieties because of this horrible pandemic. For people who were already struggling with anxiety it has been a really tough time now with this extra strain. Whether you are worried about germs, or more anxious being in all day, struggling with family dynamics, worrying about family members who live elsewhere or worried about stockpilers taking the specific food you do eat. Everyone has their own reasons why they are worried or anxious.
We at Multi-sensory world are trying to keep sharing lots of different ideas, from educational ideas, to anxiety coping strategies to funny memes to make us all smile as it is so needed at times like this.
We would like to thank all the key workers working so hard the cleaners, shopkeepers, post offices, post men and women, all the NHS, teachers, admin staff, and all other key workers we really do appreciate all your hard work.
For us we are lucky we have been used to Home educating H for 4 years before he started in September at a fantastic school. So even though he’s pretty gutted to not be with his lovely group of friends and amazing staff he’s managing at home. Our baby R turned 1 in march and is certainly a sleep refuser so mummy and daddy are pretty shattered but we are so lucky to be spending time with our gorgeous boys. We love being in our garden playing games and cooking all different recipes so other than us missing our family we are doing well.
Homeschooling isn't how it usually is in this highly stressful time. Usually lots of families are out and about spending time together going to gymnastics groups and trampolining, art, and forest school. So please don't ever be put off Homeschooling from this experience as it just isn't how it works.
Have fun with your kids, read recipes, dig in the garden, watch films, play in the paddling pool. I always remember something a lady told me when H was little you only have 18 summer holidays until they are adults enjoy them whilst you can. Make learning more fun and teach your kids about shopping lists and looking at used by dates on food, let them help send in electric meter numbers. Its a scary time for children they hear bits and pieces off the news and of people talking and they now aren't allowed out even to go to school it must be so strange for them.
Please try not to be stressed about what you are or are not going with the kids try and give yourselves a break and have some fun. We ourselves have to keep some structure to keep H ticking over ok so even in the Easter holidays he wants to do a bit of work which is fine everyone is different and just do what works for you and your family.
Whatever your approach is at the moment please take care of yourselves
The Multi-Sensory Team